Saturday, April 17, 2010

Have you ever been a "guinea pig"for medical research?

Do you know anyone who has been, if so were you or they helped?

Have you ever been a "guinea pig"for medical research?
Yep, several times.

The first time I was offered money to let Drs. culture my infected sinuses. They needed to do a nasal tap. Owww...

The second time they were doing drug testing for an anti-anxiety med. It gave me depression so I went off the study.

The last time I was given a medication which was either straight ibuprofen or ibuprofen with pepcid (double blind study) for chronic pain. I was on the study for 4 months and they paid me $800 for it. Those were medications I would have taken anyway.
Reply:I was in a clinical trial for a new use for a medication; this was about 12 years ago. I didn't tolerate the side effects of the medicine very well, so the medicine didn't work well for me. However, not everyone suffered with the side effects like I did, and the medicine has helped lots of people.

Being in the trial was interesting, but it was also very time consuming.
Reply:Yes. I took part in a research study on antidepressant medication. It was the medication that eventually became marketed as, "Prozac." They offered no money that I can recall. It really served no positive purpose for me at all, since some of the days I'd be given a placebo rather than the real thing, and the "real thing" didn't lift my spirits much, either.
Reply:Yup in 1968 I went to Stanford for research on psoriasis.

Nothing helped and it was somewhat humiliating with all the students asking me questions. The treated me by cutting my hair very short and had me put tar on my head. It helped for awhile but we are now 40 years later and I still have it.

The damage was that they charged me for the experiment, I did not read the fine print.
Reply:after I delivered my baby 49 years ago the Dr. gave me a "new" pill to keep my milk from coming in as I was going to bottle feed,

4 days later it came in with a vengeance..he said he would not use it again as he gave it to 2 of us and it didn't work..he gave it to us as we were both nurses and would "understand" if it didn't work..
Reply:no, but i once considered it. the miami newspaper used to be full of ad's for clinics wanting people for research studies. they paid between $300-$5000 dollars depending to the length of the study.

DE METALZ... i think you are better off with the cash. there was no use for the other thing anyway.
Reply:At age 13 as a freshman in high school, I developed rheumatic fever. My doctor used a new treatment called ACTH with daily injections for a short time. He told my parents that it was very expensive at $5.00 per shot. At that time it was new and $5.00 was expensive. It must have done some good because I am still here.
Reply:Unfortunately father didn't want me to undergo any surgery...tonsils had to come out,he found a doctor who was experimenting with the "new drug",penicillin and I received massive injections for precisely six months,shrunk my tonsils but oh,my aching bottom!
Reply:Yes I have! And YOU have too, if you've EVER been to a doctor. Research is "experimental" medicine, Doctors "practice" medicine. On his Patients! Don't get much more medical research than that!
Reply:No but you can see documentaries about it
Reply:I was in a osteoarthritis medication testin for about 3 months. Actually got paid. *mamatx
Reply:see the movie with Larry Fishburne, called the Tuscany Nine or something close to that.

True story and of the same subject
Reply:i once had my penis cut off.

it didnt grow back.

i got payed like 50k thou.

yea i know.
Reply:No, but I have been asked too... Not something I want to do.....
Reply:Yes, as many of the Yahoo Answers readers know, I am pregnant with triplets and the doctors wanted to see if drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol are really bad for unborn fetuses. They called me offered me a really nice home in the good part of the trailer park with a bathroom and everything, at first I was hesitant but then whenever they said they would throw in a stove and an xbox 360 I was like "totally!" So I have been experimented on throughout my entire pregnancy and my babies are doing okay. One has a slight brain tumor and the other has a really slow heart beat. The third one isn't doing so well, but they said it was normal. i would totally suggest going under medical experimentation. I LOVE it.

false teeth

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