Saturday, April 17, 2010

What are some advances in medical research that have come from "Creation Science"?

Should be a long list.

What are some advances in medical research that have come from "Creation Science"?
Good question.

The answer is, of course, none.

Because "creation science" is an oxymoron, not a term.


Schneb, honestly, how do you walk and chew gum at the same time?

You have my pity man you really do...
Reply:Gee - how many hospitals are named "Darwin hospital for evolutionists"? Yet, there is St. Jude's Medical Research Center in Memphis TN, and 1000's of others around the country.

Sorry, those that subscribe to Christian tenets have done more for medical science than the avowed aethiests.

Ever hear of the Red Cross? Hmmm.... What is the significance of the "Cross"?
Reply:Animal sacrifice was the biggest one....

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

Reply:I was healed of cancer when someone found a dinosaur (hidden in the Amazon of course), sacrificed it, and prayed over me.
Reply:good question, but I can't think of a single example...modern science and medicine are a product of Cartesian separation and empirical process...not of Magic thinking...
Reply:What are some advances in medical research that have come from "Evolution by Random Mutation"

Those vaccines were created by hard working Intelligent scientists. NOT by random 'chance'.
Reply:Leeching. Drilling holes in the head to let demons out. Bleeding.
Reply:Creation science is an oxymoron .
Reply:Dude! Good Burn!
Reply:The concept that natural death is unnatural.
Reply:Balaam, Hun, no offense, but you are talking out your...erm....donkey, here.

Flu shots do not prove evolution, you silly...ahh...donkey, you! At best, all that has been shown is the ability of the flu virus to adjust to it's environment by becoming more resistant to the vaccine...which, after all, is the killed virus, which stimulates the body's defenses...

I'd be alot more impressed with the case for evolution, if I could see the human body actually evolve the ability to fight off the flu virus all on it's own.

Don't get me wrong...I don't pretend to know whether "evolution is a fact", or not. Nobody has actually been around long enough to actually see one species evolve into an entirely different species, at least, not yet.

On the other hand, dedicated Christians have done a great deal for medicine.

I wonder how many "dedicated atheists" have done as much? Should be a short list...
Reply:LOL a star for you

I wonder if any believers will list *prayer*
Reply:Had it not been for the True Story told in the book of Genesis, scientists would be puzzled at trying to explain why snakes have such advanced vocal chords, lips, and mouths which normally would be used for verbal communication.

Oh Snap!!
Reply:Leeches, alchemy, witchcraft, dancing around, prayer, etc.
Reply:Ask Benny Hinn.
Reply:Oh my.. None. Thanks for pointing this out!

Edit: Schneb: Uhm, I don't know.. I think the Center for Disease Control and any of the pharmaceutical companies who work on pathogen effective drugs would disagree.

Edit: Sympleesymple. (perfect name by the way) Salvation? From what? Religion hasn't provided this.. nor has it provided a demonstration of any need TO BE saved. just promises unsubstantiated hope of protection from a false fear. Does anyone have a postcard from heaven, sent by someone who died and went there? Hmm. I think not. (Sneering)

Edit: Thumbs up means I'm entertaining. Thumbs down means I'm right.
Reply:Benny Hinn is world-famous for healing, he has healed millions, maybe zillions. And speaking in tongues, handling killer snakes, and drinking poison all possess profound healing properties.

someone said

The concept that natural death is unnatural.

HAHHAHA... he must be a regular on those christian-science websites.... HAHAHAHA
Reply:How about the same question with Evolution? Shorter list.

Creation Science believes that a designer created the human body, and that same body can create its own defense if given a chance. This is the process behind vaccines.
Reply:I'm not sure, should be a long list.

Hey how many advances in medical research have come from evolution science?
Reply:I know many advances that have come from creationists that are scientists. But "creation" is how we were made, and is not key in discovering new technologies or treatments.

Why is everyone around me punching at their straw man arguments? No one argues with the process of evolution. It is the origins that are in debate, not viruses altering their protein coat.
Reply:What salvation for the human soul has come from science?

Should be accompanied by a derisive sneer.


I have not taken a stand for "Creation Science", as some assume. There is far too much assumption that Christians, by default, totally deny the notion that life evolves. There-in lies great error. Continued pressing of that error betrays intent.

You see no place for anyone who believes in God to be in support of scientific discovery. Evolution is not an entity that disproves matters of a spiritual nature.

So now we are poised at the point where anyone who denies the atheistic argument, that evolution disproves God, has no understanding of science and can't possibly understand how evolution works. Well, that is plain and simple hogwash. The God who created all things made it possible for me to study and understand the methods He used. Those who apply scientific principal are worthy of note. Those who wish to use knowledge to twist and distort truth are worthy of disdain.

Creationists do not deny that thoroughly researched matters are true. In this sense all science belongs to them every bit as much as it does to any atheist. The term "Christian Science" is a totally unnecessary and unwarranted separation being applied by those with a particular agenda.

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