Monday, April 26, 2010

Is this cutting edge science or the scariest thing you have heard from medical research science since cloning?,,3...

Is this cutting edge science or the scariest thing you have heard from medical research science since cloning?
Cutting edge science to me. Just because some total jerk will abuse or use for evil intent any research that that gets published doesn't mean research shouldnn't be done.
Reply:A monkey with two butts is infinity useful...
Reply:If the end resutls are without danger and it helps lives I'm all for it.
Reply:Absolutely. This pushing the envelope will result in one day some poor creature being created that is thinking/feeling as a human but is trapped as part animal. Its too revolting for words.

Stop tinkering with nature, we all have to die of something some day and we have to accept some illnesses are part of life.

Before judging, I have had both my parents die at an early age, one after many year of debilitating and painful illness
Reply:I think its good, it'll help treat or find ways to treat diseases which are currently a big problem in the world today. All the people that are against it wont refuse the treatment found by the research if they are ill.

I know a lot of people feel strongly on the subject but embryos are not 'alive' (technically they are but meh) they cant feel anything they are just cells.

I can see it helping a lot of people and therefore its a good thing, people think things like this means well be growing limbs and things, it doesn't. It just means some DNA will be combined to make stem cells which are one of the most versatile things used in science/medicine today.

And I'm sure your God wouldn't be so unhappy about you 'playing' at his job, you're saving lives which he doesn't seem to be that fussed about. And don't give me that rubbish about everyones life being planned before they are born, wheres the fairness in a baby dying at 3 months old of a disease which research like this could help to prevent/treat/cure.

And stop talking about one day that itll create a hybrid animal with the brain of a human and body of an animal even if that was possible (which it isn't) do you have any idea how long, and how much money it take? Over 100 years and billions of pounds? yesyes.
Reply:People just fear what they don't understand. Most biologists would just chuckle if you told them this was scary.
Reply:Its all a bit scary to me!
Reply:Some people probably suggested similar things when aspirin was discovered.
Reply:Another H.G. Wells tale (The Island of Dr. Moreau) comes to life yet again!
Reply:OMG, that's just so weird.
Reply:They might clone politicians, god forbid,the world would deteriorate twice as fast
Reply:cloning could be a good thing, not whole people but if organs can be cloned then people would not die waiting for doners, plus the body would not reject an organ with the persons DNA.
Reply:Of course its good for stem cell research that will help to find the causes and hopefully cures for many diseases.

They aren't actually going to grow the embryos in to half man/half cow creatures like people think!!!

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