Monday, April 26, 2010

When do Animal rights infringe on human rights?Hunting? Medical research? Eating?

Be honest thats all I ask.

When do Animal rights infringe on human rights?Hunting? Medical research? Eating?
Animal rights infringe on human rights when so called "animal rights" activists attack research facilities and try to stop medical research using animals. They infringe when they put the life of a rat above the life of a dying child.

Animals continue to play an essential role in the development of new drugs and medical treatments. Animal testing saves lives!

Before those few anti-human, pro-animal activists start shouting and screaming about the "myth" that animal testing is worthwhile and beneficial, and start saying animal research is cruel/ worthless etc, please take time to read the information on the sites below that give you the true facts about the use of animals in medical research.

Smallpox has now been eradicated from earth using a vaccine developed in cows. Polio has been eradicated from North America using a vaccine developed in mice and monkeys. Research continues into new treatments for Malaria (pigeon), TB (cow, sheep), leprosy (armadillo), HIV/AIDS (rats and monkeys), cancer (mice and rats). If the animal rights lobby had their way, all medical research would stop and millions of people would die needlessly horrible deaths of these conditions.
Reply:For Science and the advancement of medicine, you need animal tests. But sometimes scientists can carry out unnecessarily cruel experiments. Also pet owners can abuse their pets.
Reply:I think your question is backwards.

Animals do NOT "infringe" on human's rights in any way whatsoever.

HUMANS, however, certainly do go way, way, WAY out of their way to infringe on the rights of animals.

Hunting? Outdated, unnecessary, barbaric, testosterone-laden excuse to imbibe alcohol.

Medical research? Rats aren't people. Monkeys aren't people. NONE of the animals slaughtered for "research" have the same genetic make-up as humans, so extrapolated data is not reliable data. Besides, I personally do not believe humans are SUPPOSED to cure every disease under the sun. We're not SUPPOSED to live and live and live. Make way for the next generation, don't be greedy. Pay volunteers for research.

Eating? Tons and tons of data showing health risks involved with consumption of animal flesh.


EDIT: What I'm saying is that your QUESTION is backwards. It SHOULD have read, "how do HUMANS infringe on ANIMAL rights"
Reply:animals dont have rights sadly
Reply:They don't. I am a firm believer in animal rights, and none of those rights interfere with me at all. Infact, they help to keep society healthy and even free of deadly diseases.
Reply:Well, firstly I think animals have rights, only because we allow it. I believe in conservation but not at the risk of human development and progress. Baby seals are cute and worth saving, but I'd be the first to club one over the head if it was guaranteed to produce some sort of vaccine for Cancer, or any other illness affecting humanity as a whole. There are extremes on both sides of the debate as in any other, logic and common sense need to be better practiced to find good solutions.
Reply:animal rights activist are nothing but whackos who cant get a real job. they are attention deprived and to get the attention they crave they will put animal life over human... oh yeah,,, i love meat
Reply:animals deserve a life but life is just confusing sometimes and even though its hard we have to learn to live w/ it
Reply:Animals don't have RIGHTS, because they are not created in the image of God, but they should be treated humanely (not saying that they cannot be hunted, eaten, and killed, or pest-types eliminated) under our duty of stewardship of the earth, given by the Almighty himself, in Holy Writ (a.k.a. the Bible).

Genesis 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. [one of MANY references to this subject]
Reply:Because some misguided people believe that people are merely another sort of animal. They fail to recognize that we are, as a species, set apart, special and superior. Of course, I don't advocate animal abuse, but I believe that, when it comes down to animal rights vs. human rights, the human should be on top every time.
Reply:No matter if you think they have rights or not, it's a little ****** up when cosemetic companies spary hair dye into a rabbit's eye to see what would happen to a human. It's even more ****** up when the eye bleeds out, and they are blind.

As far as these religious freaks? How can you be so god loving if you believe in the torture of animals?

KFC beats their chickens against walls, and cuts all their beaks off with machines. Animals are skinned alive for their fur, so ****** up.
Reply:Animals don't have rights.

Don't listen to religious nuts quoting select words to support their pointless opinoin.

The only people who give animals the time of day are bleeding heart sappy idiots who would rather swerve to avoid a cat than keep straight to avoid killing the woman and her two children in the caravan next to them.
Reply:It depends on the CRUELNESS and SUFFERING. I can handle med research, hunting (as long as it is eaten), and eating meat, but only if the animal is raised and/or killed in a humane way.

EDIT: Blueridge- there are families out there that hunt to feed their children because they can't afford to buy meat from a grocier. Its cheaper to buy a box of ammo and a hunting license. One average size deer can feed a family of 4 for several weeks.
Reply:Animals would have more rights if they didn't taste so good...

It's their own fault really.

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