Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is the stem cell bill opposition more about protecting embryos or about government funding medical research?

It is about the slippery slope of government funding of abortion. This bill is at the very top of the slope, but as Washington goes, it is all about boundaries and momentum.

Many Reps don't have a problem with embryonic stem cell research, but they can't be seen as supporting abortion.

It is curious that this bill came out days after new breakthroughs with non-embryonic stem cell research.

It looks to be political on both sides - and more about abortion than curing the secondary effects of injury and disease.

Is the stem cell bill opposition more about protecting embryos or about government funding medical research?
It's about government funding. Most issues in the political system have more to do with money than any moral issue. Though, in California the bill was actually passed for government funding about 3 years ago.
Reply:The fact that opponents of destroying embryos have no objection to use of adult stem cells in research makes it pretty clear they want to protect embryos.

Polite Discussion, Respectful Disagreements regarding nonlethal alternatives to Abortion, Death Penalty, Lethal Weapons.

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