Sunday, November 15, 2009

If you donate your body to Medical research, how long do they "Use" it?

And how do they dispose of it? Do they ask want the family would prefer to do with the Cadaver?

If you donate your body to Medical research, how long do they "Use" it?
When you donate your body to science, your family is unable to have a funeral with your body present, they will instead have a memorial service for you (or if they really choose to, they can have a service with an empty casket).

The medical facility will 'use' your body for as long as it is useful to them (a lot of times since the bodies are not embalmed, they do not 'last' as long as an embalmed body) .

After they are done with the body, it is usually cremated and the cremated remains are scattered in a respectful manner. However, your family is allowed to ask for the cremated remains to be returned to the family.
Reply:If you're dead, how would you know? And if the family had an issue it would be decided before then. Personally, I need to die on Thursday since garbage day is Friday. Have a 45 gallon bag with my name on it! Lawn %26amp; Leaf too....going out in style!
Reply:An old Bob Hope joke after a controversial politician died: "He willed his body to Harvard but they gave it to Yale!"

Not the answer you wanted but I hope someone appreciates the humor.


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