Sunday, November 15, 2009

What are your views on medical research on animals?

I am writing a research paper on it, and I think it would be interesting to know different people's view

What are your views on medical research on animals?
I am in favor of it, as long as it is done as humanely as possible.
Reply:If it is going to save lives, I say go for it. Sometimes I wonder if they do research on animals for bio-weapons.
Reply:Would you rather them do research on small children? Or maybe the elderly?
Reply:It sucks 100%.

Edit: Some of these answers make me sick!. No wonder the world is so F***** up in areas.
Reply:I think it's disgusting and I can't believe my tax dollars help pay for that crap!! With technology the way it is today you could do all your tests on computer. Animals are not like humans so it doesn't make any sense anyway. I think it's just another excuse to terrorize animals.....some people really get off on that. Sickos!! I hate it!!
Reply:I think that if you are an animal, I have to pet you and feed you anyway I can and I hope you appreciate the service.
Reply:don't do it
Reply:Medical research or laboratory testing shouldn't be used on animals. Why?

We all see pictures of cats with electrodes clamped to their heads, or monkeys strapped to chairs with their brains cut open. But most people put these images out of their mind and accept them because they're told by the government and medical establishments animal experiments are for our own good.

Because we don't perform non-consensual experiments on humans simply because it will benefit other humans. Why do it on animals. I think we should perform the research and experiments on deathrow inmates. Who cares about them anyway?

Give me a break!!


Tony M...done as humanely as possible?! Are you kidding me?

Just where do we draw the humane line? Right before slitting the eyelids open of puppies to test the new line of Clear Eyes dry eye solution?

Bearbones: Thats the same way I feel about people like you who can't show compassion towards another living thing.
Reply:only when absolutely necessary

edit: stop anthropomorphizing animals

Jenny: you'd rather do it on people? you scare me.

have perfect teeth

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