Monday, November 16, 2009

Just want to find out if the medical research organisations have come up with something to cure HIV/AIDS.?

Because millions of Dollars have been earmark for research and millions of people are dying from this dreadful disease.

Just want to find out if the medical research organisations have come up with something to cure HIV/AIDS.?
I hate to say it, but there is no cure and never can be a cure for HIV/AIDS. This may seem irrational of me to say, but I only say this because HIV/AIDS is a virus. (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The nature of viruses is that they can never be cured, because their nature is to always change- once we would have found a cure for it, its form would have mutated to a new "kind" of virus that we'd have to find a different cure for. So much research is presently being done to hopefully find a vaccine or something to treat the virus. (Notice I say treat and not cure).

Sorry to bear bad news!
Reply:Don't you think there would be a HUGE news story if there had been a cure found? Trust me, you will hear about it when it happens. There is nothing out there yet.
Reply:There is no cure yet for the HIV virus which causes Aids by scavanging the immune system. The antiretrovirals treatments of today only help to manage the immune sytem and prolong life expectancy.
Reply:no cure but hopefully in the near future they will have a cure the scientists are still workin on will take some time no one knows.
Reply:Nope, sorry. They have come up with medications that extend life but no cures as of yet.

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