Monday, November 16, 2009

What are some areas in medical research you find frivolous or unethical?

Are there any areas of medical research you think are frivolous? Things you think are unethical, and shouldn't be pursued anymore? (Besides vanity-driven plastic surgery! ;))

What are some areas in medical research you find frivolous or unethical?
Using animals to test cosmetics. An abomination!!
Reply:Sahariah this is a question that has plagued the medical community for the history of mankind. When does "For the greater good of the many supersede the sacrifice of a few"? An example of this was what was considered one of the largest experiments done on mankind. When Jonas Salk invented the Vaccine for Polio, the United States government rushed the vaccine into a mass public inoculation program where the public would be what was in essence the experimental body to determine the effectiveness of an unproven cure for Polio, In part due to the haste of the program several hundred children contracted polio(Some even died) from an improperly cultured batch of the Polio vaccine. Salk was hailed by the public as a hero, where the scientific community vilified him.So we have to ask was it unethical what Salk did, putting the public at risk by using the public like a guinea pig, for what some scientists said was done just so he could beat his competitor Albert Sabin, who a short time later came out with a more effective oral vaccine? People because of their religious beliefs will question the ethics of scientists, for example the use of human stem cells to experiment with to try to help develop cures for certain diseases.This is a question that we will not find an answer for today nor in the near future.It still is a great question and reveals what defines our humanity.
Reply:" Cloning " ... they shouldn't mess with that. It's going against what is natural.

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