Sunday, November 15, 2009

What are some other places where you can donate your organs/body besides medical research?

Can you donate your body to be used for Halloween parties? Can I specify in my will that I want my kidneys to be made into windchimes? Or how about donating it to a football team to be used as a tackle dummy? Maybe I could have my arm motorized to wave at cars on the freeway.

What are some other places where you can donate your organs/body besides medical research?
You can always sign up to donate your body to the Korperwelten/Body Worlds guy to be used in one of his art exhibits.
Reply:You can always donate it to me and I will do what I see fit with PICO however, may have the most accurate answer. If only it had occurred to me to be so "out there", no amount of rabbit corpses can compare to that of a human. My mother requests that I burn her in a boat on the Ohio river but as far as I know that is illegal no matter her will. As for my respect for her lack of respect for me I simply yes "Yes, Mother". No matter your ideas are far beyond my realm of individual thought, you inspire me. I wish you would respond as I feel a need for your friendship that goes far beyond wanting to do obscene things with your I miss you. Please be here. Please!

looks like there are lot of places out there just desperate for YOUR body parts!!

braces for teeth

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