Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do you think peaple say " using animals for medical research is unpleasant but necessary" ?

it is inhumane to use animals for cosmetics research?

please tell me if you agree or you dont agree.

What do you think peaple say " using animals for medical research is unpleasant but necessary" ?
Option A:

keep finding out new and useful information which can improve quality of and possible save a life by using animals for research subjects.

Option B:

use humans instead of animals, but odds are no one wants to be experimented upon so new information would ever be found.

Option C:

stop experimentation altogether resulting in no new information being found.

Sorry, but I will stick with option A.

Now, as far as for the cosmetic industry is concerned, I would agree it is arguable that only humans should be used since wearing make up is not something that affects all humans, but again probably not too many would be willing to be experimented upon.
Reply:I think it is unconscionable for greedy industrialists to waste the lives of animals and torment them to develop a new brand of eye shadow. I agree.

As for the development of cures for dread diseases in humans, limited animal research, unhappy as it is, is surely justified.

Imagine your own child were dying, and there were two flasks of liquid, one that would cure her and one that would poison her to death. Would you risk the life of a bunny rabbit to make sure your child received the life-saving liquid rather than the poison? I am sure I would.

The wonderful thing is that computer models of molecular biological functions are now becoming so sophisticated that we will soon (5 years?) be able to dispense with all or nearly all _in vivo_ (in a live specimen) experimentation. It will soon be over.
Reply:Ok first let me just say I'm not heartless toward other humans. However, I really don't agree with testing at all. You've already heard the arguments against cosmetics, as far as medicine goes lets think about it. Viruses are constantly changing, so people need to develop a new antidote about once every month for the highly adaptable ones. Lets just say about 500 people each month get sick with a disease, it takes thousands of animals but lets just say 2000 animals were used to create a vaccine. That means thats on average 4 animals had to die for every person. Now, what do you think will happen to a great majority of these people? About 50 will go out and make something of thier lives. The rest will become:

A)basically slaves(do random jobs for people)

B) Thieves, drug users, or thugs

C)sex lords


D) gamblers and possibly suicides

So you see, for the great majority of these people those animal's lives were wasted. Not only that but I can guarantee that next to none of them even realize what sacrifices took place and most of the people who do know don't care.
Reply:cosmetic research is one thing---NO animal should be used to test someones MAKE-UP products!!!! Medical research is a whole other ball of wax....lab animals have been used for experimentation for medical purposes for YEARS... (rats, monkeys especially)...without the use of these animals UNFORTUNATELY, live saving drugs might not have made it into the hands of those who need them... The FDA will not allow a new drug to be released to the public until it is TESTED and shows no eminate danger to humans.... if they didn't do these tests on animals--they would HAVE to use HUMANS ....until SOMEONE discoveres a better way to test these drugs, I don't see any other way BUT to use them for MEDICAL RESEARCH...... Heart transplants and all other organ transplants performed on humans today that SAVE THEIR LIVES were first tested on animals...cancer drugs that have saved lives --first tested on animals--AND, the drug combination that is prolonging the lives of HIV and AIDS patients was also first tested on animals... without these tests the drugs and transplants would have NEVER occured and I think a LOT of people in this country would have lost someone they loved... so these little animals are basically HEROS

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